Features & Benefits

Mine Sweeping
Magnetic and acoustic signatures mimic large ships to trigger nearby mines.

Expeditionary Warfare
Provides maritime force protection by identifying and engaging remote targets.

Mine Hunting
Sensors detect, classify and locate mines.
The CUSV continues to feature the maritime version of our proven, common command-and-control system.
The expanded payload bay with significant weight carrying capability allows the platform to be flexible and perform multiple missions.
In addition to the below, CUSV can be configured for anti-submarine warfare, offensive mining, nonlethal weapons and other surface warfare mission sets.
Key Specifications

From ports, well decks, both Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) configurations and other Vessels of Opportunity (VOO)

Up to Sea State 5
(13 ft/4 m waves)

Data Link

Collision and hazard avoidance with modular mission behaviors

Tower Capacity
4,000+ lb force at 20 knots

20+ hours